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Contacts Management (Supplier & Customers)

< 1 min read

Any Contact can be Supplier, Customers or Both (Supplier & Customers)

Adding Suppliers & Customers

  1. Go to Contacts -> Suppliers or Customer
  2. Click on add new contact. Select contact type – Supplier / Customer / Both.
  3. Based on selecting it will show the relevant fields. Fill the relevant details.
  4. Pay Terms: This will help the system to notify you of any pending payments for suppliers & customer. You can specify pay term in either days or months.
  5. Customer Group

Viewing Suppliers & Customers

View Supplier & Customer

  1. To view details about a Supplier or Customer click on View button. It will show the complete details along with the relevant transactions (Purchases & Sales) for that contact.
  2. Pay Due amount: You can use this button to pay the due amount for a customer or supplier. This will pay the overall due amount for all invoices.